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Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Internetless at the meatspace grinder!

Internet watch, day 3!

If you are a Vista user, then you should know what should accompany the icon where the arrow is pointing. If you are not a Vista user, well, there are now two notifications for networking. If you are just connected to a network, you get the little 'puters talking to one another. If you are connected to the internet, you get the 'puters talking to each other, plus...A GLOBE!

My globe has been missing for three long, arduous, horrible days. This means that I have been unable to play WoW or EVE during my lunch break, a travesty of epic proportions! I gess only slightly more important is our company wide lack of email from the outside world. Plus the inability to access our customer's WMS systems and no shipment scheduling via the internet, but really, they all play second fiddle to my needs.

Luckily, I still have internet access through internet sharing on my Treo. I have used it to get some data for some of the women here, and to update my RSS feeds. Sure a little selfish, but its my phone, dammit!

The problem is that we lack the infrastucture to reroute through a different DNS server, so we have to wait for our main office to come back online. Hopefully, this is supposed to happen by 5 today. We will just have to wait and see.

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