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Sunday, November 9, 2008

Thoughts on Tuesday Night

Just something real quick, almost a week later.  I tweeted this the other night as well, but just feel like making sure my thoughts are known to all.

Meet the new boss:

Same as the old boss:

I heard a wonderful line on Free Talk Live from this past Wednesday, 11/5/08, by Wayne, "Republicans are Socialists, Democrats are National Socialists."  I feel as if that is far too true.  We all lost on Tuesday night, because all that is going to continue to happen is our government is going to continue to tell us how they can best use our money, and how to live our lives. 

Another quick note, I am sick of hearing people continually talking about how we have elected our first black president.  The color of his skin does not mean anything, and continuing to say such things actually makes things worse in some ways.  We have elected a man with horrible politics, just like the previous man, and probably like the man to come after him. 

The United States of America lost on this past Tuesday, and until people start to realize that we need a person who will truly embrace the concepts of smaller government and more personal freedom we will continue to do so.

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